Daring the Detective by Riley Cole

Daring the Detective* Mismatched Pair Seeks Answers Zadie, the heroine, is immediately uneasy when she comes to the Restitution League to ask them to take her case. She was expecting to find fellow thieves and other reformed criminals, not a police detective. Not...

Seducing the Scientist by Riley Cole

Seducing the Scientist* Edison Meets His Match in Female Scientist If you’re familiar with the first book of series about the Restitution League, you know about the cousins who are the core of it. This is Edison’s story, and has he ever met his match! The...

Rejecting the Rogue by Riley Cole

Rejecting the Rogue* Delicious Victorian Romantic Suspense We’re in a slightly fantastical Victorian England. The heroine, Philomena Sweet, has done numerous despicable deeds with her cousins at the insistence of her father. She is now determined to make...

Tempting His Mistress by Samantha Holt

Tempting His Mistress* Delightfully Written Victorian Romance What a delightful romp through Victorian England at the hands of an author who knows how to hit all the right marks that we expect in this subgenre. Lilly is recently orphaned, the daughter of a businessman...