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In modern publishing world, authors need readers like YOU to help them achieve their dreams of success. While we don’t know the algorithm Amazon uses, ranking in search results seems to hinge at least in part on reviews.

Opportunities for Reviewing Books of Authors Featured Here

This is where you come in. Authors contact me regularly asking if I know of reviewers who would enjoy their books, so I like to keep a list of reviewers available for them. I do not share your address directly with the author. Rather, I will contact you if I think there is a good fit and pass on the author and book details. You can then follow up with the author if you are interested.

If you do agree to review a book, please do so! You’ve gotten a free book, so it is nice to repay the favor. I encourage you to be completely honest in your review. If you could’t finish the book, post a low-star review telling why. If it kept you from getting dinner on the table three nights in a row, share what kept your interest.

If you would like me to put you on this list of reviewers, just use the Contact Me form on the right. Tell me which of the four large categories interest you (mystery, suspense, thriller, or horror). If you strongly prefer a subgenre (like cozy mysteries or technothrillers), let me know that as well. I will add your name for all genres and subgenres that interest you. If you have a preferred format, mark that area as well.

Depending on your preferences, you may hear from me regularly or not so often. If at any time you no longer wish to be on the list, let me know, and I will remove you right away.

Other Opportunities to Review Books

If you really would like to review books, there are some wonderful sites you can join–BookSirens, Booksprout, NetGalley, and EdelweissPlus. I’m sure there are others out there, but these are the places where I find books to review. BookSirens and Booksprout are geared more toward indie, self-publishing authors, while NetGalley and EdelweissPlus cater to small and large traditional publishing houses. For Booksprout, you need to have given a star rating to at least 20 books on Goodreads before they will consider you. On both NetGalley and EdelweissPlus, you usually have to request a book; there are some titles you can review without making an official request, but those are limited.

On Sundays, I send out a newsletter detailing some of the new romance offerings at these sites from the previous week. If you would like to join this newsletter, make the appropriate choice on the contact form to the right.

Happy reading!


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